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Art is forward

Art Educator Portfolio

This the art educator extension of my portfolio

Home: Welcome


I am an Art Education Senior with a Focus in Painting. However, I have always found the diversity of art intriguing and am always willing to attempt art styles that abstract from my own. I have been given ample opportunities to find my way through the arts. Through Art I have found footing and direction for myself and my own talents. Taking care of people through education built a foundation of experiences that built these skills. My greatest interest is helping people be confortable with embracing new skills and excelling with confidence in these interests. Lastly, I am very passionate about all forms of art and equal access to doing it.

New leather jacket, I know, cliche.jpg
Home: About Me


In progress abstract landscape.jpg

My main interest is in abstraction (in progress)


Exploring Media

Box my Gender up

Finished Abstract

I made this.jpg

Learning by Doing

Home: Publications

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