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Teaching Philosophy

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Classroom Management Philosophy

Above all else I want students to feel like they can grow as artists and begin to and or find their voice. I want then to learn to feel confident in what they are doing compared to their own knowledge and not compared to the other students. The lesson delivery for students will be as brief as possible with me circulating the room and guiding them through the instructions if help is needed, I may also repeat instructions to the entire class while they are still working. If students still remain confused I will stop project time to repeat any necessary information. My plan’s goal to work successfully is to guide the students through the definitions and actual lecture as clearly as possible. However, I want to be brief with each lesson so that they can take every concept and learn from it by doing. The most important thing is that each student takes what they learn and can complete a project to the point where they are teaching themselves and I am guiding them. As they reach the level of leadership they can in their age groups, they will become successful at understanding how the concepts work with the art. This means that the guidelines for the class and organization of it falls under a very student based criteria. 

The guidelines will serve to point the student to the knowledge content they are capable of reaching. The guidelines will also respond to the students needs and change if that will benefit the students ability to learn. As for organization of students,  they will constantly be rotating tables because as important as it is to build friendships, exposure to different people will help them associate themselves with many different personalities early on so that uniqueness among the student body has a more positive light. I want to build a classroom community where students grow off of helping each other learn, support and build each other up. That means that my own attitude towards the students will be to provide a good example of support and positivism. I will let students make mistakes, guide them through a better way of doing things, but never make them feel like they are failing or lack intelligence. I will just remind them that the way that their actions are carrying on in a project, will not get the desired result. 

My criteria for evaluation includes effort as the first section. This means did they do their projects in a way that shows if they considered the prompt, took time to fulfill the directions, and listened to suggestions. The end product from something that took time would start one place and end in a different place that shows growth and understanding. Depending on their age group, I may have them do a small written portion that requests they describe what they did and what they learned. In order to ensure successful evaluation I will have to build my lessons of the knowledge of the students, construct divers social and cultural constructions of Identify, reflect on my own teaching practices, and get the class room involved in the entire community. Therefore my role as a teacher is to most importantly guide students to make their understandings, instruct, listen, challenge them to go farther, evaluate, adjust, and be flexible to change. 

Students will make all types of mistakes in their lives, sometimes it will be with poor behavior. I would like to say that students can be taught self-control and over time can self regulate their actions. Therefore students should not be controlled but guided to helpful behaviors that benefit the classroom as a whole. In my career as an educator, I think that students are the ones learning and I am pushing them in the right direction, therefore I stand as leader in the classroom delegating information and directions. If the students are developmentally old enough, the classroom should then respond to this form of teaching, and by the end of the year, become their own leaders in a very democratic sense. However I will ultimately be reinforcing rules, safety, and rubrics. Students should have responsibilities that increase each grade to encourage positive development. Therefore rules should be few and easy to understand. Positive reinforcement will indoctrinate better behavior for following the rules. This will also give them incentive to control disruptive behavior. And as my Education mentors would say, you should always be going for broke,  put students first, and find a way to meet everyone's needs. 

Students’ Role

Teacher’s Role

Management Beliefs General

  • To learn and to do their best. 

  • To trust in me as their instructor but also advocating for their needs (Or learning too).

  • To guide, instruct, and maintain knowledge content

  • To be more of a guide then a puppeteer. 

  • When the student starts to struggle to jump in and redirect them. 

  • Go for broke, students come first

  • Ask myself, “Am I doing the best I can for my student.”

  • To be able to have a flexible lesson that responds to the students needs. 

  • That my classroom is accessible to everyone and everyone has a space to be safe and grow.

  • No student will feel like they are condicented too or less than based on their cultural, economic, and social background. 

Learning by Doing

Teaching Philosophy: Publications

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